Living From Inspiration
Living From Inspiration is designed to support and guide you when you're ready to let go of the myth of struggle and create a life of fun, play, bliss, and predictable miracles! It's all there for you, all you need to do is twofold: 1. be willing to hand it over to Source/God/Universe/whatever-you-want-to-call-it, 2. put in your small percentage and lift your vibration using your connection to your body, your emotions, and your "Big S" Self. Living From Inspiration provides tools, methods, and uplifting discourse to do just that. And it can be easy! Soon-to-come online retreats will take you through the process step-by-step so that you will find yourself moving up the vibrational scale...more...and more...and more!
('re gonna find the word "FUN" throughout this whole site...a LOT!)
Lorrie has the unique ability to lovingly tap into what's going on with YOU, whether it's conscious or not, and to guide you through unravelling the energy so that you are clear, uplifted, and can feel all the love, acceptance and endless possibilities available to you. She is also dedicated to YOU learning how to do this for yourself. The online retreats will help you to learn these skills so that you can. This way you can unravel yourself anytime...any place!
Remember that this is a process. It's a journey (as cheesy as that sounds;). It really is all about this much can you milk it for all the deliciousness it's worth?? As you consistently connect with your TRUE, divine, "Big S" Self by following the specific suggestions and tools in this site, you will find that each and every moment has infinite depth, infinite beauty, infinite richness, infinite bliss, and infinite possibility. And if you're in a place where it's difficult to connect, that's AWESOME TOO! We have just what you need as well. And again, all you need to get started is the willingness. The desire. Because things are already moving on their own for you. You are in a current of Grace and Love unlike anything you could imagine.
And we gotta say. This whole journey? It's the most fun. Ever.